

鹿教湯温泉 4 (Kakeyu Hot Spring -4-)

 旅の 3 日目(3 月 9 日)は、朝食後にまず、ホテルの部屋の窓から見える風景をスケッチした(1 枚目の写真)。そのあと、ホテルで貰った「鹿教湯温泉案内図」を頼りに、妻と付近の散策に出かけた。ホテルの横手へ少し行くと、内村川という細い谷川がある(2 枚目の写真)。そこにかかる五台橋(3 枚目の写真)のたもとの旧源泉地に、文殊の湯という共同浴場がある(4 枚目の写真)。

 五台橋を渡って右手へ進むと、「鹿教湯」の名にゆかりのある文殊菩薩をまつった文殊堂がある。また、左手には薬師堂(5 枚目の写真)がある。薬師堂の前の道を進むと紅葉橋(一番下の写真)があり、その少し先で右に曲がれば温泉街のメインストリートへ出る。このあと、われわれはメインストリートを隔てて文殊堂や薬師堂の反対側にある小山の上の月見堂や展望台を目指した。温泉街の略図はこちらでご覧になれる。(つづく)

On the third day of the trip (March 9), I sketched the landscape seen from the window of the hotel room after breakfast (the top photo). Then, my wife and I went out to explore the neighborhood of the hotel with a simple map of the spa town as a guide. Going a little sideways from the hotel, we got to a narrow stream, Uchimura River (the second photo), and Godai Bridge over the stream (the third photo). At the foot of the bridge, there is the location of an old source of hot-spring. Now there is a hot-spring bath, "Monju-no yu" (the fourth photo).

Crossing the bridge and going to the right, we find Monju-do Temple, which is dedicated to Bodhisattva Monju. (Monju is related to the story of the name, Kakeyu, of this hot spring.) There is Yakushi-do (the fifth photo) on the left. Going ahead of Yakushi-do, we get to Momiji Bridge (the bottom photo). Turning to the right a little ahead, we came to the main street of the spa town. After this, we went up to Tsukimi-do and a look-out platform on a small mountain on the other side of Monju-do and Yakushi-do across the main street. A schematic map of the spa town is available here. (To be continued)

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