

堺市・大仙公園で:カメラの高さを変える (At Daisen Park, Sakai: Shots at Different Heights)

 昨日、妻と約 3 年ぶりで大仙公園を訪れた。主に見たのは園内にある日本庭園だが、去り際に公園入り口付近から見た園内の新緑の様子を写真に撮った。最初は、しゃがんで、低いカメラ位置で撮った。トリミングする前の映像をカメラのモニターで見ると、道の手前部分が大きく写っていたので、これではまずいと思い、立ち上がって、もう一枚撮った。今度は、手前の木々の上部が黒っぽく大きく写った。

 両方にほぼ共通する部分をトリミングで取り出してみると(上掲のイメージ)、1 枚目の方が、空や道が露出過剰になっていなくて、全体として美しい色調である。遠景の木々については、2 枚目の方に新緑らしい明るさがあるが…。また、1 枚目の構図の方が、奥行き感もある。そこで、2 枚目をボツにしようと思った。しかし、2 枚並べると、子ども目線と大人目線の相違が分る面白さもあると思い直し、両方を掲載することにした。(日本庭園内の花の写真などは、次回に掲載の予定。)

Yesterday, I visited Daisen Park with my wife after about three years since my last visit there. We mainly saw the Japanese garden in the park. When we were going to leave the park, I took two photos of the scenery of the fresh green trees seen near the entrance of the park. First, I made a shot at a low camera position. Looking at the shot before trimming on the camera monitor, I thought it a failure because its large portion was occupied by the road nearby. So, I took the next one by holding a camera at a high setting. This time, the upper part of trees in the foreground appeared large and blackish.

I got the images, as posted above, of the portions of the scene almost common to both photos by trimming. Then, the first piece was found to have a better color tones as a whole, without overexposure to the sky and the way, though the second piece shows brighter and fresher colors as for trees at the distance. The first piece also gives a better feeling of perspective. So, I first did not thought to post the second one. However, I changed my mind to post both, because doing so would show an interesting difference between viewpoints of children and adults. (Pictures of flowers taken in the Japanese garden will be shown in the next post.)

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