

グランフロント大阪 (Grand Front Osaka)

 昨日、妻と用事があって大阪へ出たついでに、さる 4 月 26 日 JR 大阪駅北側に開業した「グランフロント大阪」を覗いた。写真は上から、地下一階入口付近にある階段状の滝とその下のレストラン、北館テラスガーデンからの眺め、同ガーデンから見た大阪駅ビルの北側。同ガーデンに植わっている背の高い木。最後の写真は、わが家の庭に近年ひとりでに生えて来た木と同様の葉を持っている木だったので撮った。説明板に「私の名前はシマトネリコといいます。南の国の出身なんだ。葉っぱに光沢があってきれいなのと、枝が風になびくのもいい感じらしくて、最近よく植えられてるよ。あんまり見る機会はないと思うけど、実(み)は平べったくて、ちょっと独特な形かな」とあった。

Yesterday, my wife and I went to Osaka and visited "Grand Front Osaka," which was opened at the north of JR Osaka Station on April 26, 2013. Photos above show from top: the staircase waterfall and the restaurant under it located underground near the entrance of "Grand Front Osaka," the landscape viewed from the North Building terrace garden, the north side of the Osaka Station building also seen from the terrace garden and tall trees on the same garden. I took this last picture because leaves of these trees seemed to be similar to those of the tree that grew by itself in my yard in recent years. The explanation plate says, "My name is evergreen ash (Fraxinus griffithii). I am a native of a southern country. Because of my shiny, beautiful leaves, and a good view of my branches waving in the wind, I am much welcomed for planting these days. You may seldom have a chance of seeing my fruits, but they have a unique, flat shape.")

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