

遅起きでも三文の得 (The Late Bird Also Catches the Worm)

"花はどこへいった" を作ったピート・シーガー。
Pete Seeger who made Where have all the flowers gone?. The photo was taken at his age 88 on June 16, 2007, at the Clearwater Festival 2007 by Anthony Pepitone. The image was taken from a Wikimedia Commons page, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

 妻が一昨日から登山に行き、昨日の帰宅が 24 時近くだったので、私はけさ 8 時半過ぎまで寝てしまった。お陰で、いつもはテレビを見ない時間にテレビをつけて朝食をしていて、よい番組を見た。BS プレミアムのドキュメンタリー「ハイビジョンスペシャル・世紀を刻んだ歌・花はどこへいった~静かなる祈りの反戦歌」である。インターネットで調べると、最初に放映されたのは 2000 年 10 月 6 日で、次の概要が『NHK アーカイブス』のウェブページに記されている。
 アメリカのフォークシンガーで反戦を訴えたピート・シーガーが、ロシアの文豪ショーロホフの "静かなドン" の一節をもとに、1955年に作った名曲 "花はどこへいった" は、ベトナムへの代表的な反戦歌として広く歌われた。大女優マレーネ・ディートリッヒは、祖国ドイツへの思いをこの歌に託し、フィギュアスケート選手カタリーナ・ビットは、ボスニアへの反戦を込めて、この歌をバックにオリンピックで演技した。20世紀を通して広く反戦歌として歌い継がれてきたこの歌の魅力をさぐる。
 JCA-NET のウェブページに、この番組が「イラク侵略の真っ只中」(2003 年 4 月 6 日)に再放送されたとして、その機会に番組の詳細を紹介し、末尾に「花はどこへいった」の歌詞(原題 Where have all the flowers gone?)とその和訳を掲載している(文字化けする場合は、ブラウザのコードを「日本語 Shift JIS」に選び直すと読める)。


My wife went for mountain-climbing from the day before yesterday and came home yesterday close to 12 pm. So, I slept until later than 8:30 this morning. Having a breakfast by looking at the TV during the time quite later than usual, I happened to watch a good program. It was a documentary program of NHK BS Premium entitled, "The memorable song Where have all the flowers gone? – An anti-war song of quiet prayer." After seeing the program, I made a search on the Internet and learned at a Web page of "NHK Archives" that the program was first aired on October 6, 2000. The following summary is given there.
Based on the passage from the famous Russian writer Sholokhov's Quiet Flows the Don, the American folk singer, Pete Seeger, made the famous song Where have all the flowers gone? in 1955. It was widely sung as an anti-war song in the period of Vietnam war. The great actress Marlene Dietrich sang this song with a thought to her homeland Germany, and the figure skater Katarina Witt did her performance to this song in the Olympic games, to represent her will against Bosnian war. The program explores the charm of this song that has been sung widely as an anti-war song through the 20th century.
On a Web page of the JCA-NET, they write, "Re-broadcast was made in the midst [April 6, 2003] of the invasion to Iraq," introduce the details of the program on that occasion and quote the lyrics of Where have all the flowers gone? as well as the translation of them at the end of the page.

Different recordings of this song are collected here. We find the recording by Marlene Dietrich separately here. Now many politicians in Japan are considering to amend Article 9 of Japanese Constitution that enunciates wars. So, I strongly wish this quiet anti-war song to spread widely again and again.

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