

和歌山へのバス旅行 1 (Bus Trip to Wakayama -1-)

 6 月 22 日、妻と私は朝日旅行社のバス旅行「あじさいの曼荼羅園と養翠園庭園」に参加した。まず、和歌山市の養翠園を見学した。これは、紀州第 10 代藩主徳川治宝(とくがわ はるとみ)が、1818 年から 1826 年にかけて造営した広大な大名庭園である。同園で貰った説明書の英文の方が和文より簡潔で分りやすいので、下に掲載する養翠園での写真のうち、3 枚目以下の説明には、ところどころに単語の和訳を挿入するだけで、前者の文をほとんどそのまま引用する。この庭園には、アジサイは正門の近くに少ししか植えられていなくて、撮影し損なった。

On June 22, my wife and I joined the bus trip named "Mandala-en and Yōsui-en in the season of hydrangea flowers," sponsored by Asahi Sun Tours. First, we visited Yōsui-en in Wakayama. Harutomi Tokugawa, the 10th feudal lord of Kishu (presently Wakayama Prefecture) built this vast garden in the years from 1826 to 1818. The following photos were taken in Yōsui-en. In the leaflet we got at the garden, explanations in English are simpler and more understandable than those in Japanese. Therefore, for explanations of the third to the last photos, I quote part of the English explanations only by inserting Japanese for a few words. In this garden, there were only small amount of hydrangeas near the main gate so that I missed taking shots of them.

Yōsui-tei, a resting booth in the garden. It is said that, in the whole country,
there is no example of the left-climbing corridor built in the resting booth.

Phyllostachys bambusoides Sieb.

There are many old pine trees in the 33,000 m2 garden. At the center, there is a 10,000 m2 pond filled with sea water. So, the water level changes with tides. [...] Two bridges,
Taikobashi [太鼓橋] and Mitsuhashi [三ツ橋], span the pond.

The pond is shaped like the West Lake [西湖] in China. The artistic design of Yōsui-en is such that the characteristic straight line of the Chinese style pond [as seen in this picture] contrasts
beautifully with the complicated curved lines of the surrounding Japanese garden
[as seen in the previous and next photos].

A guardian deity [守護神] is enshrined on the island in the middle of the pond.

(To be continued)

2 件のコメント:

  1. Nakatani Hisako2013年6月30日 6:17



  2. Nakatani さんは、美しい花の写真とともに、よい記事を精力的に「八十代万歳」のブログに書き綴っていらっしゃいますね。私も、これからときどきお邪魔したいと存じます。よろしくお願いいたします。近日中に、「五色の子守唄」について私が消滅したブログ記事に書きましたことなどを、お知らせ出来るようにしたいと思っています。
