

家原大池公園 (Ebara-Ōike Park)

 堺市西区の家原大池公園は、わが家から比較的近いが、往復の歩数でいえば、ウォーキングでよく行く鈴の宮公園より2000歩程遠く、また、途中で車の多く通る道をたどる必要もあって、滅多に行かない。先月 5 日に訪れた折にはカルガモに出会えた(1 枚目の写真)が、25 日に再度訪れてみるとカルガモは見当たらなくて、アオサギがいた(2 枚目の写真)。広い池を中心にした開放感のある公園で(3 枚目の写真)、園内に体育館もある(4 枚目の写真左前方)。いろいろな遊具もあって(5 枚目の写真)、幼児を連れて行くにはよい公園のようだ。

Ebara-Ōike Park, Sakai, is relatively close to my home. However, it is farther by 2000 steps of the round trip than Suzunomiya Park, where I often go for walking exercise. Furethermore, in order to go there, it is necessary to take the roads with high traffic of cars. So, I rarely go there. When I visited there on May 5, I saw grey ducks on the pond (top photo) but did not find them when I visited again on May 25. Instead, I saw a grey heron (second photo). The park has a large pond at its center (third photo), giving the feeling of expansiveness to the visitors, and there is also a gymnasium (at the distant left of the fourth photo). The field of the park has a variety of playground equipment (bottom photo), so that it seems to be a good place to go with infants.

1 件のコメント:

  1. カルガモちゃんですね(・∀・)♥
