

近畿地方梅雨明け (End of the Rainy Season in Kinki)

 『ウィキペディア』の「タチアオイ」の説明に、「ちょうど梅雨入りの頃に咲き始め、梅雨明けと共に花期が終わる(花茎の頭頂部まで開花が進む)ことになぞらえて、「ツユアオイ(梅雨葵)」という別名も冠されている」とある。わが家のタチアオイが一昨日、上の写真のように頭頂部付近まで開花していたので、梅雨明け間近と思っていた矢先、昨日午前 11 時に、九州、四国、中国、近畿、東海は梅雨明けしたとみられると、各気象台からの発表があった。統計開始以来、近畿では3番目に早い梅雨明けだという。

In the explanation of "tachi-aoi (hollyhock)" in "Wikipedia" (Japanese edition), it is written, 'The flower season of this plant starts around the beginning of the rainy season and comes to an end (flowering progresses to the top of the stalk) around the end of the rainy season. Thus, this plant has another name, "Tsuyu-aoi (mallow in the rainy season)".' The day before yesterday, I saw a hollyhock in my yard blooming almost to the top as seen in the photo above. So, I thought the end of the rainy season is very close. At eleven o'clock, yesterday morning, the end of the rainy season in Kyushu, Shikoku, Chugoku, Kinki and Tokai was announced from the weather station in each district. It was also reported that, since the weather statistics were started, this is the third earliest end of the rainy season in Kinki district.

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