

墓参途中の観光 1 (Sightseeing on Our Way of Visiting Graves -1-)

 7 月 13 日、妻と私は長女を伴って、郷里・金沢に祖先の墓を訪れた。その前日、武生で途中下車して、少しばかりの観光を楽しんだ。まず、JR 武生駅から徒歩約 10 分の「ちひろの生まれた家」記念館を訪れた。これは、絵本画家いわさきちひろの生家を復元した資料館で、2004年10月にオープンしたものだが、当日(金曜日)はあいにく休館日で、館の前面を見て写真に撮っただけとなった(1枚目の写真。記念館のホームページでは、開館日が「金・土・日・祝日」となっていたが、最近、金曜日も休館に変ったのである)。

 この記念館から数分歩くと、白壁の蔵が建ち並ぶ「蔵の辻」がある(2 枚目以下の写真)。この地区は江戸時代以降、関西から北陸方面への物資の中継地区として栄え、商人たちの蔵が並んでいた。その蔵の外観をそのままに、店舗や住宅として再生し、観光スポットとしたものである。平成13(2001)年度都市景観大賞「美しいまちなみ大賞(国土交通大臣賞)」を受賞している。(つづく)

On July 13, my wife and I visited the graves of our ancestors in my hometown Kanazawa, together with our elder daughter. On our way there the previous day, we got off the train at Takefu to enjoy a little bit of sightseeing. First, we visited "Chihiro's Birthplace" Memorium Museum located at about 10-minute's walk from the JR Takefu station. This is the museum opened in October 2004 at the birthplace of Chihiro Iwasaki, an artist and illustrator known for her water-colored illustrations of flowers and children, in order to display her materials used by her and her works. Unfortunately, it was closed on the day of our visit, i.e. on Friday (on its Web page, it was written that the museum was open on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and holidays, but Friday was excluded from those days quite recently). So, we saw only the front side of the museum and took a photo of it (the top picture above).

Walking a few minutes from the museum, we got to "Kura no Tsuji," where storehouses with white walls lined (see the second to the bottom pictures). Since the Edo period, this area flourished as the place of transit of goods from Kansai to Hokuriku, and merchants' storehouses were built. By restoring the appearance of those storehouses, shops and houses were made here as a sightseeing spot. This area was chosen for "Beautiful Cityscape Award (Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Award)" of the 2001 fiscal year. (To be continued)

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