

トキワマンサクの戻り咲き (Re-blooming of Chinese Fringe Flowers)

 昨日ときょう、当地では最高気温が 32 °C ほどもあり、まだ、夏のような暑さである。それでも、鳳公園ではトキワマンサクの戻り咲きが秋を告げていた(写真)。他方、キンモクセイの開花は遅れているようだ。

Yesterday and today, the highest temperature here was around 32 ​​degrees centigrade, and it is still like the summer. However, second blooming of Chinese fringe flowers in Ōtori Park was telling the coming of the fall (see photo). On the other hand, flowering of sweet osmanthus seems to be delayed this year.

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