

ドナウ川クルーズ 10 (Cruise on the Danube -10-)

 旅の 2 日目(10 月 19 日)の続き。ゲッレールト山から市街地へ戻り、レストランでハンガリーの名物スープ「グヤーシュ」などの昼食をとる。午後は自由行動で、妻と私は、セーチェーニ鎖橋から下流へ二つ目の橋までの間の、ドナウ川の両岸を散策した。出発は 14: 30 頃。

Continuation of the second day (October 19) of the trip: Coming back from Gellért Hill to the urban area, we took a lunch of Hungarian specialty soup "goulash (Hungarian: gulyás)" etc. in a restaurant. During the free time in the afternoon, my wife and I went for a walk along both sides of the Danube between Széchenyi Chain Bridge and the second bridge downstream. The time of departure was about 14:30.

We passed Széchenyi Chain Bridge to the Buda side ...

... and looked towards the Pest side.

Rows of trees along the street-car road on the right bank of the Danube (Buda side).

View of the opposite bank (Pest side) from the vicinity of the next bridge, "Elisabeth Bridge."

Looking the opposite bank in the direction of the Chain Bridge, we saw the dome of the Hungarian Parliament Building.

A Train running at the foot of Gellért Hill, in the Buda region.

We came near the second bridge downstream, "Liberty Bridge."

(To be continued)

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