

キンモクセイの花が散り敷く (Scattered Sweet Osmanthus Blossoms Covered the Ground)

 大阪管区気象台は昨 11 月 4 日、近畿地方で「木枯らし 1 号」が吹いたと発表した。昨年より 6 日遅かったとのことである。当地・堺では、強い風は感じられなかったが、前日の雨で、わが家のキンモクセイの花がほとんど散り、地面をオレンジ色に染めていた。写真は 4 日午後早くに撮影。

On November 4, they announced at Osaka Meteorological Observatory that the first cold wintry wind of this year had blown in the Kinki district. It was later by 6 days than last year. Here in Sakai, we did not experience strong wind, but the rain of the previous day scattered the blossoms of sweet osmanthus in my yard to cover the ground by orange color. The photo was taken in the early afternoon of November 4.

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