

ドナウ川クルーズ 25 (Cruise on the Danube -25-)

 旅の 5 日目(10 月 22 日)午前、オーストリアの首都ウィーン市内の観光(続き)。

The morning of the fifth day (October 22) of the trip: sightseeing in the capital city of Vienna, Austria (continuation).

We got off the bus near St. Stephen's Cathedral ...

... and went into the cathedral from the central entrance.

I took some photos inside the cathedral, but did not get good shots because of the prohibition of using flash. The photo above, a little blurred, was taken near the entrance
and shows a visiting group of children.

高さ107メートルの大聖堂南塔。教会の塔としては、世界で 3 番目の高さである。教会は部分的に修復中。塔を以前に見たときは、汚れて黒ずんでいたが、いまは美しくなっている。
South tower of the cathedral. It is 107 m high and is the third highest tower of the church in the world. The cathedral is now partially under reconstruction. When I saw the tower before,
its surfaces were dirty and dark but now have become clean.

After visiting the cathedral, we walked towards the Vienna State Opera
along Kärntner Straße (English: Carinthian Street).

(To be continued)

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