

ドナウ川クルーズ 30 (Cruise on the Danube -30-)

 旅の 6 日目(10 月 23 日)午前、オーストリアのデュルンシュタインで(続き)。丘の上のデュルンシュタイン城址(ケーンリンガー城址とも呼ばれる)へ。

The morning of the sixth day (October 23) of the trip (continuation): We went up to Burgruine Dürnstein (ruins of Dürnstein Castle also known as Kuenringer Castle) on a hill.

デュルンシュタイン城址を目指す。片道約 30 分の、険しい山道なので、一行の中で上まで登った人は少なかった。この写真を撮ったのは 2/3 ほど登った場所。
We are going up to Durnstein castle ruins. It is about 30 minutes' walk one way. Because the route was rather steep, the number of people in our tourist party who climbed to the top was small. I took this picture when we had come to the point at about 2/3 of the route.

We finally arrived at the ruins of the castle. At the right of this photo, which was taken by a male tour conductor or someone, my wife and I stood. However, I have deleted that part because I had a tired look just after climbing there.

One of the pillars that stand at the corners of the castle wall.

Landscape much below the hill.

Coming down a little from the top of the hill, we found a location with a good view.

同上の場所で、単身参加のとても元気な元社長さん(92 歳)に撮って貰った。先に 1 枚撮ってから、「もっと寄り添って」といわれての 2 枚目。
At the same place as above. This picture was taken by a cheerful ex-president of a firm (92 years old), who joined the trip by himself, and was the second shot after he said to us, "Stand more closely to each other!"

(To be continued)

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