

ドナウ川クルーズ 41 (Cruise on the Danube -41-)

 旅の 7 日目(10 月 24 日)午前(続き)。メルク修道院観光のあと、メルクの街を抜けて港まで徒歩で帰る。以下はその途中で撮った写真。

The morning of the seventh day (October 24) of the trip (continuation): After sightseeing at Melk Abbey, we returned on foot to the port by passing through the city of Melk. The following photos were taken along the way.

A Cobbled street.

There is a place at which Melk Abbey looks like this picture.

壁に洪水の水位と年月日が記録してある。左上に 2013 年 6 月 4 日のものがある。
Water levels of floods and their dates are recorded on the wall. On the upper left, there is a record for the flood of June 4, 2013.

(To be continued)

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