

ドナウ川クルーズ 42 (Cruise on the Danube -42-)

 旅の 7 日目(10 月 24 日)午後。13:00 頃にメルクを出港し、リンツへ向かう。ドナウ川の沿岸風景(この流域の絵地図がこちらにある。地名はドイツ語表示)の眺めを楽しむほか、船の 3 階ラウンジでは、14:45 から日本茶のティータイム、15:30 からナプキン折り教室の催しもある。

The afternoon of the seventh day (October 24) of the trip: Our ship departed Melk port around 13:00, heading to Linz. Besides enjoying the landscape of the Danube (here is a pictorial map of this section of the Danube), we had events of Japanese-tea time from 15:30 and a lesson of napkin folding from 14:45, both of which were held in the third floor lounge of the ship.

Coastal landscape of the Danube after departing from Melk port.

14:30 頃、イッブスの町、左に聖ローレンツ教区教会。
Around14:30; town of Ybbs with the parish church St. Lorenz on the left.

15:35 頃。
Around 15:35.

15:40 頃。
Around 15:40.

15:43 頃、甲板の先頭部と前方の風景。
Around 15:43; the front top portion of the deck and the forward landscape.

15:45 頃。
Around 15:45.

(To be continued)

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