

ドナウ川クルーズ 44 (Cruise on the Danube -44-)

 旅の 7 日目(10 月 24 日)午後、メルクからリンツへのクルーズ(続き)。

The afternoon of the seventh day (October 24) of the trip: cruise from Melk to Linz (continuation).

16:00 頃。
Around 16:00.

16:02 頃。
Around 16:02.

16:03 頃、陸橋が見えたと思うと…
About 16:03, an overpass has appeared, ...

... and we soon saw a train passing.

「ナプキン折り教室」の催しあとで、シェフの一人が見せたフォークの曲芸。1 対のフォークが 1 対のツマヨウジの先端同士で絶妙なバランスをとって支えられている。
After the event of "napkin-folding lesson," one of the chefs showed acrobatic balancing of forks. A pair of forks is supported exquisitely to be balanced at the tips of a pair of toothpicks.

Partial expansion of the photo above. I did not participate in the napkin-folding lesson, but after the lesson my wife recommended me to come to see and to take a shot of the balanced forks. Soon after my taking a shot, some women travelers approached the balanced forks and while looking with admiration, destroyed the balance and made the forks fall.

(To be continued)

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