

バス旅行「ターナー展と淡路ラン展」1 (Bus Trip "Turner Exhibition and Awaji Orchid Exhibition" -1-)

  2 月 20 日、朝日旅行社催行の日帰りツアー「英国の巨匠『ターナー展』と淡路ラン展」に妻と参加した。17名の参加者の中で、男性は私一人だった。週日でも参加できる高齢者の中では女性のほうが一般に、より元気なことや、男性は概して花などにあまり興味がないことのためだろうか。

 『ターナー展(神戸)』は 1 月 11 日に始まり、 4 月 6 日まで神戸市立博物館で開催中である。 ロンドンのテート美術館が所蔵するイギリスの国民的画家ジョゼフ・マロード・ウィリアム・ターナー (1775–1851) の油彩画 30 点ほか計 110 余点が出品されていて、見応えがあった。始めに学芸員から、スライドを使用しての 30 分間の説明が聞けたのもよかった。

 学芸員さんはターナーの生涯の作品を表す四つのキーワードを挙げていた。その 1、2、4 番目は、それぞれ、「絵になる (picturesque) 風景」を探し出して描いていたこと、大自然の「崇高」な (sublime) かたちを描き出そうとしたこと、晩年の作品には現代の抽象画の趣さえあること (moderenity)、だったが、3 番目が何だったか忘れた。「TURNER その風景画には物語がある」という言葉が展覧会のチラシにあるのを見れば、劇性 (theatricality) というようなことだったかと思われる。絵に現れている具体的な特徴からは、光あるいは海(水)も挙げたいところだが。


 なお、"Joseph Mallord William Turner paintings" という BBC のウェブサイトでは、ターナーの作品 392 点をスライドショーとして見ることが出来る。(つづく)

On February 20, my wife and I joined a one-day trip "Turner Exhibition and Awaji Orchid Exhibition" held by Asahi Sun Tours. Among the participants of 17 people, I was a single male. This might have happened possibly because of the following two reasons: Women are generally more active than men among elderly people who can join the trip on a weekday, and men are usually not so much interested in seeing flowers compared with women.

Turner Exhibition (Kobe) began on January 11 and is going to be held until April 6 at Kobe City Museum. A total of over 110 works of the representative painter of Britain, Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775-1851), including 30 oil paintings, came from the Tate in London, and the show was quite impressive. It was also good that, at the beginning, a curator gave us a talk of 30 minutes about Turner's works using slides.

The curator mentioned four keywords that represented Turner's works through his lifetime. Three of them were as follows: "picturesque" (Turner chose picturesque landscapes to paint), "sublime" (he wanted to express sublime form of nature) and "modernity" (his works in later years show abstractness in modern paintings). I forgot what was the remaining one key word. It was possibly something like "theatricality" as suggested by the words on the flyer of the show, "TURNER; his landscape paintings include stories," though I would also like to add the key word of "light" or "sea (water)," considering from the particular features that concretely appear in his pictures.

In the photo above of the exhibition site, the sign board on the left uses part of Turner's painting entitled Childe Harold's Pilgrimage – Italy, and the right side one, part of Venice, the Bridge of Sighs. In Natsume Sōseki's novel "Botchan", the main character went out fishing, together with the assistant principal "Red Shirt" and Nodaiko, and saw an island with a pine tree in the Seto Inland Sea to name it "Turner Island." So, Sōseki possibly saw one of Turner's paintings with a pine tree, and Childe Harold's Pilgrimage – Italy is the leading candidate for it.

By the way, we can view Turner's 392 works as a slide show at the BBC Website "Joseph Mallord William Turner paintings." (To be continued)

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