

花の季節到来:わが家の花たち (Flower Season Has Come: Flowers in My Yard)

 写真は上から、レンテン・ローズ、アネモネ、ジンチョウゲ、フサザキスイセン。2016 年 3 月 5 〜7 日、わが家の庭で撮影。今年はレンテン・ローズの花の数が少ない。一昨日数えると、9 輪だった(多いときの写真はこちら)。

Photos were taken in my yard from March 5 to 7, 2016, and show, from top to bottom, flowers of hellebores, anemone, winter daphne, and tazetta narcissus. This year, we see only a small number of hellebores flowers. The day before yesterday I counted them to be nine (here is a photo when we had much hellebores flowers).

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