

亀淵氏のハイゼンベルクと湯川に関するエッセイを読んで -4- (On Reading Kamefuchi's Essay about Heisenberg and Yukawa -4-)

[The main text of this post is in Japanese only.]

本記事の文献 [12]
Reference [12] of this article.

2 ハイゼンベルクの悲劇(つづき)

2.6 ハイゼンベルクの当時の研究の影響

 At the 1958 Rochester Conference on high-energy nuclear physics held in Geneva, Heisenberg invoked the idea of a degenerate vacuum to account for internal quantum numbers, such as isospin and strangeness, that provide selection rules for elementary particle interactions (1958).*
 In an influential paper submitted in 1959,** Heisenberg and his collaborators used his concept of a degenerate vacuum in QFT [quantum field theory] to explain the breaking of isospin symmetry by electromagnetism and weak interactions. [...]
 Heisenberg's degenerate vacuum was at the time widely discussed at international conferences. It was frequently quoted, greatly influenced field theorists, and helped to clear the way for the extension of SSB [spontaneous symmetry breaking] from hydrodynamics and condensed matter theory to QFT. ([12] p. 283)
上記引用中に何度も出て来る "degenerate vacuum"(縮退真空)という言葉は、最後の文にある SSB(自発的対称性の破れ)と密接に関係するものである。また引用文中、* と ** のところに引用されている文献は、それぞれ、この記事の第 1 回に記した文献 [2](「悲劇」の講演が論文として会議録に掲載されたもの)と、第 2 回に記した文献 [8](その後、若手研究者たちと共同で発表した論文)である。

 ちなみに、これらの論文の被引用数を Google Scholar で調べると、前者は 16、後者は 226 である。カオは "frequently quoted" と書いているが、ハイゼンベルクのノーベル賞受賞対象となった、行列に基づく量子力学の定式化の論文 [13] と 不確定性原理の論文 [14] の被引用数が 1709 と 4697 であるのに比べれば、かなり少ない(以上の被引用数はいずれも 2020 年 7 月 27日現在)。これは「悲劇」の頃の研究が構想全体としては成功に至らなかったためであろう。

 Nambu's work on superconductivity led him to consider the possible application to particle physics of the idea of non-invariant solutions (especially in the vacuum state). [...]
 It is of interest to note the impact of Dirac and Heisenberg on Nambu's pursuing this analogy. First, Nambu took Dirac's idea of holes very seriously and viewed the vacuum not as a void but as a plenum packed with many virtual degrees of freedom. This plenum view of the vacuum made it possible for Nambu to accept Heisenberg's concept of degeneracy of the vacuum, which lay at the heart of SSB. Second, Nambu was trying to construct a composite particle model and chose Heisenberg's non-linear model, 'because the mathematical aspect of symmetry breaking could be mostly demonstrated there', although he never liked the theory or took it seriously.


  1. T. Y. Cao, Conceptual Developments of 20th Century Field Theories, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997; second edition available, 2019)
  2. W. Heisenberg, Über quantentheoretische Umdeutung kinematischer und mechanischer Beziehungen, Z. Physik 33, 879 (1925).
  3. W. Heisenberg, Über den anschaulichen Inhalt der quantentheoretischen Kinematik und Mechanik, Z. Physik 43, 172 (1927).



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