

ウォーキング・コース傍らの竹林 3 (The Bamboo Grove at the Side of a Walking-Exercise Course 3)


The photo, taken on August 16, 2010, shows the bamboo grove at the side of one of my walking exercise courses.

From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

About English Language

"How do you pronounce ‘Nevada?’ You're probably wrong," Time NewsFeed (via Internet Scout). – I cannot discriminate the two pronunciations uttered in the video included.

About Peace and Politics

[Retweet of hutenma1's words] <普天間基地撤去を求める高校生の会>:私たちは、沖縄の過重な基地負担を問題だと考えます。そして、とくに危険な普天間基地の閉鎖・撤去を求め、そのために、署名を集めています。協力していただけたら嬉しいです。http://jimorikouken.web.fc2.com/.

About Physicists

"The lady vanishes: Invisible Wife Syndrome," Guardian (I learned this article via BadAstronomer and jonmbutterworth).

The author of the above article is TV personality Gia Milinovich, and her husband is the British particle physicist, Professor Brian Cox at the University of Manchester. He is best known to the public as the presenter of a number of science programs for the BBC. He also had some fame in the 1980s as the keyboard player in the rock band Dare and in the early 1990s with the Irish pop band D:Ream ["Brian Cox (physicist)", Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (11 August 2010 at 23:54)]. Gia writes: I told him [Brian] I felt my very presence was upsetting their budding bromance, that I was some unwanted tag-along girlfriend. "I felt like bloody Yoko Ono in there!" ["their . . . bromine" means here the close relationship between Brian and the TV producer of the program in which Brian and Gia appeared together].

Exchange of Words with Friends

[In reply to heppoco_daze's words, "まだまだ残暑が厳しいようです (>_<) 涼やかな眺めですね!"] ブログに掲載の竹林の写真をご覧いただきましたか。ありがとうございます。一ヵ月ほどかかってようやく描き上げた水彩画「夏木立」の写真を、近日中に掲載する予定です。残暑厳しい折、ご自愛下さい。

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