

ウォーキング・コース傍らの竹林 4 (The Bamboo Grove at the Side of a Walking-Exercise Course 4)


The photo, taken on August 16, 2010, shows the bamboo grove at the side of one of my walking exercise courses.

From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

About Applied Mathematics or Physics

"Mathematicians create objective quality of life index," Tech Rev arXiv blog. —Japan comes to 17th. Find your country's ranking in the paper cited.

About Internet

"27 best twitter accounts for science lovers," Indiana Public Media, A Moment of Science.

About Peace and Politics

"「普天間基地撤去を求める高校生の会」の署名運動にご協力を!" Blog, "福泉・鳳「憲法9条の会」2."

[Retweet of UN's words; additions are made here. 46 others also retreated.] "Secretary-General's Message on the International Day against Nuclear Test, 29 August." Web site of United Nations, Message and Articles. —About nuclear tests, UN SG Ban Ki-moon says, "We must stop passing this problem to succeeding generations."

[Retweet of chiamai's words that cited the same Web page as above] It was yesterday, but we should think about it every day: International Day against Nuclear Tests (29 August) via UN. —Yes, I agree with you!

About Physicists

理研紹介映画『科学の殿堂』ダイジェスト版(昭和17年制作)(Introducing RIKEN "A Sanctuary of Science", 1942, Digest edition), YouTube (in Japsnese) (via mmizo4). —Yoshio Nishina and Sin'itiro Tomonaga appear at 4 m 37 s and 4 m 57 s from the beginning, respectively, with their names written in Chinese characters.

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