Oceanblue morning glory, blue morning glory, koali awa or blue dawn flower; botanical name, Ipomoea indica (a genus); family, Convolvulaceae. The photo was taken at Nakanoike Park, Sakai, on July 28, 2010.
From tweets of yesterday (rephrased)
About Arts
Watched an NHK TV program telling the inside story of the Japanese anime film "The Borrower Arrietty" last evening. The efforts of the new director Hiromasa Yonebayashi at Studio Ghibli were well depicted as well as Ghibli founder Hayao Miyazaki's patient observation of him.
About Mathematics
[Retweet of newscientist's words with an addition] "P ≠ NP: Has the biggest question in computer science been solved?" (http://bit.ly/bgtc6r) (via @physicsdavid) - Good explanation.
About Physics
"How to perform the perfect stone skim," Telegraph (http://bit.ly/cSwj97) - I read about a similar study before in the journal Nature: "Secrets of successful stone-skipping" (http://bit.ly/djkj9w).
[Retweet of sciencewisdom's words with an addition] I never think of the future. It comes soon enough. - A. Einstein #quote (http://iwise.com/ObAL3) - Me too.
Random writings of a retired physicist
Continuation of "Ted's Coffeehouse" (now being restored in archives of this site)
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