Picotee morning glory, ivy morning glory or Japanese morning glory; botanical name, Ipomoea nil; family, Convolvulaceae. The photo was taken in front of a kindergarten on August 2, 2010.
From tweets of yesterday (rephrased)
About Peace and Politics
2053 Suns, Blog, physicsworld.com (http://bit.ly/amx2VO) - "An average nuclear detonation once every 9.5 days, a harrowing statistic." With a video.
[Retweet of mdnjp's words by adding my comment] Kan's lame speech disappoints on 65th anniversary of atomic bombing of Hiroshima (http://bit.ly/94p3n4) - I agree.
About Society
[Retweet of asahicom's words with addition of English translation of part of them] I uploaded a YouTube video: 10万人いざ「踊る阿呆」の夏 徳島市の阿波踊り (http://youtu.be/2H69uyTNJQc?a) - Awaodori dancing in Tokushima, Shikoku, Japan.
Random writings of a retired physicist
Continuation of "Ted's Coffeehouse" (now being restored in archives of this site)
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