

郷里・金沢2 (My Hometwon Kanazawa 2)

 昨日掲載のスケッチの下に続く眺め。宿泊したホテルの、奥でL字型になっている側面の一階部分が見えており、従業員用出入り口かと思われる。15日午前、高校同期の友人・K.Y. 君との面会時間までの間に急いで描いた。彼とはホテルの喫茶室で10時半から12時少し前まで愉快に語り合った。

The image shows my sketch of the view from the hotel window, just below that of the picture posted yesterday. Here, we see the first floor of the inner side of the L-shaped hotel building. Possibly there is an entrance for the hotel employees. I quickly made this work Wednesday morning while waiting for the time of appointment with K.Y., a high-school friend of mine. K.Y. and I had a merry time of conversation at the coffee shop of the hotel from 10:30 to a little before 12:00.

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