

郷里・金沢1 (My Hometwon Kanazawa 1)



Went to my hometown Kanazawa on Monday, September 13, and returned home on Wednesday. Monday morning, I visited Mr. A, who was the class teacher in my sixth year at primary school. He became 88 years old last year to be blessed by the city etc. However, he has gotten such a variety of cataract that surgery might lead to blindness. Therefore, he is postponing surgery to await the further development of medical technology. However, he had strong mind, and we talked much about the contents of my book I brought to him and other topics.

The hotel room I stayed was on the third floor, and its window was facing the narrow alley. Thus, the view from the window was not pretty enough. However, a small Japanese restaurant, proudly standing among tall buildings, provided lovely setting for my sketching (the image above).

From tweets of September 12–16 (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

About Astrophysics

"Discovery of habitable earth-like planet 'to be announced in May 2011'," Tech Rev arXiv blog. —"Put the date in your diaries."

"Cosmic question," Physics. —Where do cosmic magnetic fields come from?

About Mathematics

[In reply to peterflom's words] You can enlarge the image of 100 important math equations by clicking on it. I can also name only a few.

[From peterflom] Thanks! Yeah, I know a few of them, but not many.

About Peace and Politics

Film "ANPO" (extract and description). —"It depicts resistance to U.S. military bases in Japan through an electrifying collage of paintings and photographs, as well as animated, narrative and documentary films by Japan’s foremost contemporary artists."

[Retweet of ihayoichi's words] NHK沖縄放送局映像が、YouTubeの http://bit.ly/dBOphF にあります。沖縄海兵隊は、海兵隊を残したい防衛省や外務省に呼応して、グアムから海兵隊を呼び戻す配置案を作成したのです http://bit.ly/aIx3to。私[伊波洋一]の説明映像が http://bit.ly/cXoVqP にあります。

"The Test Ban Challenge: Nuclear Nonproliferation and the Quest for a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty,"George Washington University, National Security Archive.

About Physicists

"Obituary: Nicola Cabibbo (1935-2010)," Nature —Pioneer in understanding the weak force of particle physics. (Retweeted by fermin771009)

About Physics

"Secret corps of filmmakers documented nuclear bomb tests," New York Times. —"Risking their lives to capture on film hundreds of blinding flashes, rising fireballs and mushroom clouds." (Retweeted by fermin771009)

"Uncertain sources," Physics. —About the paper "PAMELA results on the cosmic-ray antiproton flux from 60 MeV to 180 GeV in kinetic energy" O. Adriani et al.

"From liquid argon to M theory?" @jonmbutterworth, Guardian, Science. —Physics theories from an experimentalist's viewpoint.

[Retweets of LHCbExperiment's words] "Beautiful atoms," September 6, 2010. —The LHCb has observed beautiful atoms at LHC at CERN. The atoms are bound states of the beauty quark and anti-beauty quark (via grahamfarmelo).

About Technology

Communication age: [Retweet of Alyssa_Milano's words] Fascinating: "Arthur C. Clarke predicting the future in 1964" (via chloroformdays and ABC).


[Retweet of philoquotes's words with a comment] "We make war that we may live in peace." —Aristotle. — This is ironical, and we should not think war is good. (Retweeted by chiamai)

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