The photo, taken on August 30, 2010, shows Ōtori Park, Sakai.
Note: Next post will be on Thursday, September 16, because of my going on a trip.
From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)
About Books
[Retweet of seanmcarroll's words] @seanmcarroll reviews "The Grand Design": "The 'Why?' Questions, Chapter and Multiverse," Wall Street Journal, Books & Ideas (September 11, 2010). —The bottom line: "Our best hope for constructing sensible answers lies with scientists and philosophers working together, not scoring points off one another."
[Retweet of guardianscience's words] "Gods of science: Prof_S_Hawking and ProfBrianCox discuss mind over matter," Guardian, Science (September 11, 2010).
About Mathematics
[Retweet of pickover's words] "100 important mathematical equations. (large version)" How many can we name? —See also Michael Anderson's Web page that uses the photo cited. (Retweeted by fermin771009)
[In reply to tttabata and pickover] Hard to see them on the blackboard, but I did see the law of cosines up there . . . and the quadratic equation.
About Peace and Politics
[Retweet of GeoShore's words via pfanderson] The atomic bomb cake (1946) . . . and the controversy (well detailed). —The latter is a blog post at "Conelrad Adjacent."
About Physics
"The physics of mud and hair gel," Physical Reveview Focus. —Experiments point toward soil engineering to control moisture loss.
Random writings of a retired physicist
Continuation of "Ted's Coffeehouse" (now being restored in archives of this site)
Copyright © 2001-2022 by Tatsuo Tabata
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