

サルスベリの花のある風景2 (Scenery with Crape-myrtle Blossoms 2)


The photo was taken at Hatta-kitamachi, Sakai, on August 14, 2010.

From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

About Blogs

[Retweeting sk_c's words: Blog Post: Introducing "The Language of Bad Physics" to PLoS.] Congratulations on the move of your blog to a new home!

About Quantitative Biology

"The new science of network archaeology," Tech Rev arXiv blog. —The "idea is to look at the process in reverse" and "is likely to generate some interesting new insights into the process of evolution, not to mention the history of the networks."

About Technology

"Accelerators for America's Future," symmetry. —This article should be helpful for the Japan's Ministry of Education and Science. 日本の文部科学省が参考にするとよい記事である。

About Universe

"Stephen Hawking says universe not created by God," Guardian. —Hawking says this in a forthcoming book, "The Grand Design."

"Is physicist Stephen Hawking right that physics, not God, created the universe?" Poll; comment is free. Guardian. (Retweeted by chiamai)


[Retweeting marcuschown's words: "I am sure the universe is full of intelligent life. It has just been too intelligent to come here."—Arthur C. Clarke.] Ha-ha! I like these words!

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