

サルスベリの花のある風景3 (Scenery with Crape-myrtle Blossoms 3)


The photo was taken at Hatta-kitamachi, Sakai, on August 14, 2010.

From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

About Astrophysics

"Hubble's greatest hits," physicsworld. —A review of the Hubble Space Telescope's revolutionary discoveries.

About Books

Book Review, Suman Seth's Crafting the Quantum: Arnold Sommerfeld & the Practice of Theory, 1890–1926, Physics Today. —'[F]or the general reader, [this book] is an account of the transition from the old "quantum-number mystique" to modern quantum mechanics based on general symmetry principles and invariance.'

About Nuclear Technology

[Retweet of UN's words] New IAEA report: "International Status and Prospects of Nuclear Power" (via iaeaorg).

About Physics

"The discovery of superconductivity," Physics Today —Kamerlingh Onnes's careless notebook entries have confused the story.

"Changes spotted in fundamental constant," physicsworld. —The author of the news is less doubtful than the author of the article in Tech Rev arXiv blog about the same news.

"Three-year extension recommended for Tevatron," ibid. —"[T]o search the entire range of likely masses for the Higgs boson, and perhaps even find the first evidence of its existence."

[Retweet of wiredscience's words] "String theory finally does something useful," Wired Science. —"[P]hysicists at Imperial College London and Stanford University have found a way to make string theory useful, not for a theory of everything, but for quantum entanglement."

About Science

[Retweet of CatherineQ's words] This is *really* good [for educational purposes]: "The Scale of the Universe," Htwins.net.

About Universe and God

"In praise of . . . God," Editorial (Comment is free), Guardian. —Many people write their comment, but I do not want to do so.

[Retweet of madgestar's words] "Hawking: God not needed for Universe to be created", Universe Today. —With a video.

About Hawking again: [Retweet of jonmbutterworth's words] Ooh, found it here. —"Stephen Hawking: Physics Leaves No Room For God," YouTube from Times Channel 4 News. Professor John Butterworth of University College London himself is one of speakers.

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