

バス旅行「秋のかやぶき音楽堂コンサート」3 (Bus Trip, "Autumn Concert at Straw Thatched Music Hall" 3)

 写真は「秋のかやぶき音楽堂コンサート」の行なわれた音楽堂(上)とその付近の田園風景(下)(京都府南丹市日吉町胡麻)。音楽堂は福井県大飯郡の禅寺「善応寺」の旧本堂を移築したもので、迦陵頻窟(からびんくつ)と名づけられていて、これは「迦陵頻伽(かりょうびんが)という鳥のいる部屋という意味」である。迦陵頻伽は、仏教において極楽浄土にいるとされる美しい鳥をいう [1]。

The upper photo shows the hall where the concert we listened to was held; the lower, the countryside near the hall (the site is Goma, HIyoshi-cho, Nantan, Kyoto). The hall was formerly the main building of the Zen temple, Zen'oji, in Oi, Fukui. It was moved here and named Kalavinkutsu after the beautiful bird Kalavin supposed to live in the Buddhist paradise [1].

  1. Kayabuki.com and the leaflet of the concert.

From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

About Applied Mathematics

"Alice, Bob and Carla: Quantum love triangle revealed," Technology Review physics arXiv blog (October 5, 2010). —About a paper in press in SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics.

About Astrophysics

"Why Mars is a lightweight," Science News (Ocotber 4, 2010). —"Red Planet too far from the action to grow big, astronomers contend."

About Books

G. Bacciagaluppi and A. Valentini, "Quantum Theory at the Crossroads: Reconsidering the 1927 Solvay Conference," reviewed by Martin Jähnert, Physics Today October, p. 53 (2010).

About Peace and Politics

[Retweet of eemachi_sakai's words] 昨夜はシャープ堺工場立地に対して大阪府と堺市が実施している破格の「優遇策」の不当性を訴えた住民訴訟の弁護団会議。世界的企業に330億の補助金、税金は10年間80パーセントオフの大盤振る舞い。一方で、財政難を理由に教育、福祉、文化施策は徹底した切り捨て。こんな税金の使い方ってアリ?

About Physics

[Retweet of Nobelprize_org's words] See the official press release for the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics. —"The Nobel Prize in Physics 2010 was awarded jointly to Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, both at University of Manchester, UK, "for groundbreaking experiments regarding the two-dimensional material graphene." (Retweeted by more than 100 persons)

[Retweet of Nobelprize_org's words] Konstantin Novoselov is one of the youngest Nobel Laureates in Physics since 1973, only 36 years old!

"Graphene pioneers bag Nobel prize," physicsworld (October 5, 2010). —"Geim is also famous for his 1997 "flying frog" experiment in which he and his colleagues in Nijmegen levitated a frog using a powerful magnet. He shared the 2000 "IgNobel" prize for his efforts and is the first individual to win both awards." (See the section "Humor" about another anecdote of Geim.)

[Retweet of guardianscience'swords] "Video: Brian Cox's guide to quantum mechanics," Guardian (October 5, 2010).—"In 'The Hunt for the Higgs,' Cern physicist Brian Cox presents his handy guide to quantum mechanics and the subatomic world, the elusive Higgs boson and the biggest machine on Earth – the Large Hadron Collider or LHC."

About Psychology

"The language that lovers share is a 'window' into the state of their relationship," Telegraph (October 4, 2010). —"Couples develop their own language of love that ebbs and flows depending on the state of their relationship, scientists believe."

About Technology

"Smarter than you think: Aiming to learn as we do, A machine teaches itself," New York Times (October 4, 2010). —About The Never-Ending Language Learning system, or NELL, at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.


[Retweet of RKawabata's words] The paper Andre Geim co-authored with his favourite hamster "Detection of earth rotation with a diamagnetically levitating gyroscope," Physica B: Condensed Matter Vols. 294-295, pp. 736–739 (2001). (via RogerHighfield and AlexConnor) —The name of the coauthor is "H. A. M. S. ter Tisha"!

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