

バス旅行「秋のかやぶき音楽堂コンサート」4 (Bus Trip, "Autumn Concert at Straw Thatched Music Hall" 4)


 コンサートの演奏者ザイラーピアノデュオ(エルンスト・ザイラー、カズコ・マサダ・ザイラー)は、日本各地はもとより、世界各地で4手のための連弾アンサンブルとして活躍しているほか、世界各地で未出版や廃版になったピアノデュオ曲の発掘にも精力的に取り組んでいる。この日の演奏曲目は、ロベルト・シューマン「小さな子どもと大きな子どものための連弾曲集 Op. 85」より「No. 1 誕生日の行進曲」他8曲、ヨハネス・ブラームス「シューマンの主題による変奏曲 Op. 23」、同「愛の歌(18曲のワルツ)Op. 52」、同「ハンガリー舞曲」から Nos. 11〜16。

 帰途のバスの中で、ゲーテが好んだという植物の、ザイラー夫妻が増やした苗が土産として配布された。夫妻からの説明書には、その名が「プリオフィルム」とあったが、調べてみると、ベンケイソウ科リュウキュウベンケイ属のセイロンベンケイ [Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pers.]、別名トウロウソウ(灯籠草)である。学名のシノニムに Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) Oken または Bryophyllum calycinum とある。「プリオフィルム」は、Bryophyllum がなまったものであろう。

The upper photo shows the ceiling of the straw thatched concert hall; and the lower, the stage of the hall. Near the walls above the thick beam seen in the latter photo, there are seats of the second and third floors. In the auditorium of the first floor, each listener sits on a zabuton. It was somewhat painful to keep my position on a zabuton for a long time.

The performers of the concert, Seiler piano duo (Ernst Seiler and Seiler Masada Kazuko), are actively working as an ensemble duo for four hands at different locations not only in Japan but also around the world. They are also actively searching the music for a piano duo that was unpublished or abandoned. The numbers of the concert were as follows: Robert Schumann, No. 1 (Birthday March) and other 8 numbers from 12 pieces for piano 4-hands (For Big and Small Children), Op. 85; Johannes Brahms, Variations on a Theme by Robert Schumann, Op. 23; 18 Love Song Waltzes, Op. 52; Nos. 11–16 from Hungarian Dances.

On the way back, the seedlings of Kalanchoe pinnata, the plant Johann Wolfgang von Goethe loved, were distributed as souvenirs from Seiler and his wife.

From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

About Chemistry

[Retweet of Nobelprize_org] 2010 Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Richard F. Heck, Ei-ichi Negishi and Akira Suzuki, for new ways of linking carbon atoms. See the official press release.

About Physics

"2010 Nobel Prize in Physics," AIP Journals. —Overview of graphene, Press releases, AIP articles by the laureates, etc.

"Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov win 2010 physics Nobel for graphene," Physics Today, Physics Update (October 5, 2010). (Retweeted by gtsouza)


Andre Geim co-authored a paper with his favorite hamster (via RogerHighfield, AlexConnor and RKawabata). Who did the same with a cat? (Retweeted by fermin771009)

[About my previous tweet] The physicist who coauthored with his cat was J. H. Hetherington (see "Cat as Coauthor" by Greg Ross). "Their" paper is: Physical Review Letters Vol. 35, p. 1442 (1975). (Retweeted by fermin771009)

[From ColinPeters] "Chester is believed to be the only cat who has published research in low-temperature physics." (From "Cat as Coauthor," via tttabata)

[From sc_k in reply to my tweet above] Hope for the felis Klein!

[In reply to sc_k] Surely, you shall be able to do the same with your felis Klein someday as Hetherington and Geim did.

[From drskyskull] In 1975, J. H. Hetherington co-authored a physics paper with his cat, F. D. C. Willard! (h/t tttabata via sc_k!) Read the story here: "Thoughts on Furpeople (Cats)." (Scroll down to "Cats and Publishing Physics Research.")

Does anyone know how and why Andre Geim made his hamster the coauthor of a paper http://bit.ly/ateCtU? (RogerHighfield, AlexConnor and RKawabata)

[From RogerHighfield in reply to the above] Because Andre Geim levitated his hamster!

[In reply to RogerHighfield] Thanks a lot for your reply.

[From RKawabata] You can add your question to Prof. Geim directly on Nobelprize.org's YouTube channel, now open to questions for all 2010 Laureates.

[In reply to RKawabata] Thanks for your suggestion for adding my question to Professor Geim on Nobelprize.org's YouTube channel, but I got the answer from RogerHighfield.

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