

ザクロの実 (Fruits of Pomegranate)


Pomegranate; botanical name, Punica granatum; family, Lythraceae. The photo was taken during walking on October 13, 2010.

From tweets of October 16, 2010 (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

About Astrophysics

"Star-chaeology: Astronomers zeroing in on early, unseen stage of star formation," Scientific American (October 13, 2010). —Two recent papers have proposed possible "first cores" – short-lived objects that give rise to protostars.

[Retweet of The SETI Institute's words] Why NASA doctors space photos: No, it’s not a conspiracy! "NASA uses Photoshop! It's a conspiracy!," Discovery, News (October 13, 2010). —"To bring us the best imagery the cosmos has to offer, some image processing is often needed, says the author in this commentary." [Retweeted by Glaucio Souza and Rosa Amarilla]

About Books

Me too: [Retweet of S. C. Kavassalis's words] John W. Moffat, Einstein Wrote Back: My Life in Physics (Thomas Allen, 2010) (See the promotion video.) I haven't read this book yet but really must. [Retweeted by Glaucio Souza]

[Retweet of New Physics Books's words] A Scientific Autobiography: S. Chandrasekhar: With Selected Correspondence," edited by Kameshwar C. Wali (World Scientific, 2010).

About Science

"The Spirit of Lindau: The past, present and future of the Annual Laureates Meeting," Scientific American (October 14, 2010). —"This video explores the story and spirit of the annual Lindau Nobel meeting." [Retweeted by Bodensee]

"Video: Space expert denies she is 'ambassador to aliens'," Telegraph (October 15, 2010).


[Retweet of PhiloQuotes's words] There was never a genius without a tincture of madness. —Aristotle

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