

歌声喫茶 in さかい (Utagoe Coffeehouse in Sakai)

 昨日の午後、近くの西文化会館・セミナールームで開催された「歌声喫茶 in さかい」に参加した。出演者(一ノ瀬陽子、宮本由美、喜多陵介)の歌と伴奏に合わせて参加者一同がレンタル歌本 [1] の歌詞を見ながら歌うのである。参加者総数は約 70 名で、そのうち男性は 10 名ほどだった。10 分間の休憩を入れて 2 時間、出演者が選んだ歌の他、参加者のうちの希望者が始めに紙に書いて提出したリクェスト曲を含めて、多くの歌を歌った。

 リクェストの数は時間内にとても消化出来ないほどあり、私の提出したリクェスト用紙は読み上げられなかった。しかし、同じ曲「浜辺の歌」のリクェストは何人かの女性たちからあったということで、採用された。私は最近、この歌の 3 番の歌詞を覚えたばかりだったので、リクェストしたのだ。6 割ほどは知らない歌だったが、楽しい時間を過ごした。

Yesterday afternoon, I joined "Utagoe Coffeehouse in Sakai" held at the seminar room of Nishi Culture Hall, Sakai. It was the event in which participants sang songs following the singing and accompaniments of performers (Yoko Ichinose, Yumi Miyamoto and Ryosuke Kita), just like at Utagoe coffeehouses, which had been popular in Japan in ca. 1955–1975. They provided a pair of rental books [1] for us to find lyrics. The total number of participants was about 70, among which only about 10 were men. We sang many songs for 2 hours with a 10-minute break.

Some of the songs were chosen by the performers; and the rest was selected from the requests submitted at the beginning of the event. There were so many requests, so that not all of them could be sung. They did not read my wish sheet. However, the same song, "Hamabe no uta (Song of Beach)" was adopted because it was also requested by some number of women. The reason of my request was that I recently learned the third piece of the lyrics of this song. I did not know about 60% of the songs we sang, but had a joyous time.

  1. ともしび歌集 うたの世界 533 & 2010年版セット, Tomoshibi Group Publications, ID D30045 (2009 & 2010).

From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

About Hobbies

「キンシバイ」と「ビヨウヤナギ」だと思ったのは、「タイリンキンシバイ (Hypericum calycinum cv. 'Hidcote')」と「セイヨウキンシバイ (Hypericum calycinum L.)」だった。ブログ記事を訂正。

About Life Science

"Cancer caused by modern man as it was virtually non-existent in ancient world," Telegraph (October 14, 2010). [Retweeted by Fermin Aceves]

About Mathematics

Retweet of S. C. Kavassalis's words] Beautiful math in all browsers: MathJax. [Retweeted by Colin Peters]

About Physics

"Everyone from Aad to Zutshi didn't see an excited quark," physicsworld, Blog (October 13, 2010). —Physicists get excited about seeing nothing.

[From Neil Gunther] [The number of authors of the Physical Review Letters paper about "nothing"] Just computed: 3173; this is a veritable phonebook :)

[To Neil Gunther] Did you estimate, by computation, the number of authors of that paper? It is an awful number.

[From Neil Gunther] Wrote a program that read the list (nine pages) of authors and literally counted all 3173 names.

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