

軽井沢で1 (In Karuizawa 1)



On October 27 and 28, I attended the 14th reunion of the newspaper club of the former Kanazawa Kindai Senior High School (the reunion is named "Kindaijihō-kai") held in Karuizawa. Finding on the Internet that the highest temperature expected during our stay in Karuizawa would be 5 degrees centigrade, I went with winter clothes. If it had not been so cold, I would have enjoyed walking in Karuizawa before the meeting. However, I was surprised to the temperatures expected and chose the bullet train that arrived at Karuizawa close to the meeting time in the evening.

The number of people who initially entered in the list of participants was twelve, but three persons made cancellation. Thus, the number of persons actually came to the site of reunion, Hotel Kajimanomori, was only nine (less than one half of the number at the best time of the reunion). However, there were some participants who liked loudly and tirelessly to discuss political, economic and social issues, and the meeting was lively as ever. The photos above, taken in the morning of 28th, show the front garden of Hotel Kajimanomori.

From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

About Biology

"The evolutionary origin of laughter," Technology Review Physics arXiv Blogs (October 29, 2010). —"A new theory attempts to explain one of the great puzzles of evolutionary biology: why we laugh." [Retweeted by Neil Gunther and Tim Jones]

[From Tim Jones] Interesting, but the explanation of humor would be more so.

[To Tim Jones] The evolutionary origin of humor? It might come after the establishment of the theory on the origin of laughter. Let's expect it.

[From Tim Jones] Yes; it could well be. The article reminded me that laughter can be separate from humor (nervous, embarrassed, etc.).

[To Tim Jones] Yes, laughter comes not only from humor but also nervousness and embarrassment. The Japanese often show a smile for the last reason.

[From Tim Jones] I know! My boss was Japanese between 1992 and 1996 (from Nippon Steel). I just did not like to mention it (embarrassed laughter ;-).

[To Tim Jones] It's interesting (or embarrassing) that you learned embarrassed laughter from contact with your former Japanese boss.

About Books

"Book Review: A Skeptic’s Case for Nuclear Disarmament by Michael E. O’Hanlon," New York Times (October 29, 2010). —I don't support O’Hanlon's solution.

About English Language

I'm doing it! [Retweet of 朝日ウイークリー's words:] @asahi_weekly 『iPad英語学習法』著者、湯川さん @tsuruaki によると、英語学習には英語ツイートが有効。「英文日記」連載の石原さん @mayumi_ishihara も推進者で英語ツイートの輪 #twinglish を。[Retweeted by 朝日ウイークリー]

About Physics

"Between graphite and diamond," Physical Review Focus (October 29, 2010). —The structure made by a 2003 graphite compression experiment involves bct-carbon ("body-centered tetragonal").

Exchange of Words with Friends

[From Tim Jones] It was a very multi-cultural environment in Brussels. I learnt a lot there from different cultures/nationalities. If only everyone could have the same experience, we would all understand each other better. The world is getting there . . . slowly.

[To Tim Jones] I also liked to have multi-cultural environment on the occasions of international academic meetings. Thus we, scientists and engineers, might be better diplomats than the actual ones who work in the fields of politics.

[To Chiara Maieron] I should be glad if you could enjoy looking at my second watercolor work "A Landscape of the City of Water" for the exhibition to be held next month.

[From Chiara Maieron] At a quick look it looks beautiful! I'm now going to Lyon tonight, to fly to Seattle tomorrow. I'll check your work again from there.

[To Chiara Maieron] Thanks for your kind words about quick look at my watercolor. Have a nice flight and good days in Seattle!

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