

軽井沢で2 (In Karuizawa 2)


The original schedule for the second day of the reunion of Kindaijihō-kai was that we would enjoy cycling or visiting museums in two separate groups by preference of each person. Because of a low temperature and rainfall, however, cycling was canceled. Before breakfast, it did not yet begin to rain, so that I could manage to take some pictures of the typical scenery of Karuizawa in the hotel garden (the photos above show the back garden of the hotel).

From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

Exchange of Words with Friends

[From tomyi, about my water color "水都の一景 (A Landscape of the City of Water)" to be presented at Bikōten] 観に行けないのが残念です。川面に空の青さが映って、とても素敵ですね!

[To tomyi]「水都の一景」の水彩画のイメージをご覧になり、ご感想もいただき、ありがとうございます。

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