

稲木 (Inagi: Hanger for Rice Plants)


After reaping, farmers used to hang rice plants on inagi (also called inekake, inabata or hasa), made of woods or bamboos, for drying them in the sun. Because of progress in the mechanization of farming, we rarely see the scenery of rice plants hung on inagi these days. However, I found one in a small rice field near here and took a picture (October 13, 2010).

From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

About Physics

"Why has Physics Today's news coverage of string theory been so sparse?" Dayside, physicstoday.org (September 2, 2010). —Two reasons are given as follows: (1) Speculative theories whose prospects for vindication are remote don't quite deliver. (2) In fields where significant individual advances are hard to spot, the expert-written feature article is often the better editorial option.

About Astrophysics

"Astronomy: Galaxy sets distance mark," Nature Vol. 467, p. 924 (October 21, 2010). C"A galaxy has smashed the record for the most distant object ever observed."

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