Chinese redbud; botanical name, Cercis chinensis; family, Caesalpiniaceae. This plant normally blooms in March or April before leaves come out. On the right side of the photo, legumes grown up from spring flowers are also seen. The photo was taken at Suzunomiya Park, October 19, 2010.
From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)
About Biology
"How the leopard really got his spots," Guardian (October 20, 2010). —Scientists suggest an evolutionary explanation for the leopard's spots.
About Physics
[Retweet of S.C. Kavassalis words] "The cosmological constant (non)-problem" by Eugenio Bianchi, A talk at International Loop Quantum Gravity Seminar (October 19, 2010). The PDF file of the slides is also available. —"The acceleration in the cosmic expansion is well-understood and well-accounted for, by current fundamental physical theory. It is not due to a vacuum energy or a mysterious substance; but is a long distance repulsive force due to the intrinsic dynamics of geometry."
Random writings of a retired physicist
Continuation of "Ted's Coffeehouse" (now being restored in archives of this site)
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