

遅咲きアサガオ (Late Blooming Morning Glory)


Late blooming morning glory. The botanical name of morning glory, Ipomoea nil; family, Convolvulaceae. The photo was taken at our yard on September 17, 2010.

From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

About Astrophysics

"Gliese 581g: the most Earth like planet yet discovered," Telegraph (September 29, 2010). See also: "New planet may be able to nurture organisms," New York Times (September 29, 2010); the related paper, S. S. Vogt et al., "The Lick-Carnegie Exoplanet Survey: A 3.1 M⊕ Planet in the Habitable Zone of the Nearby M3V Star Gliese 581" (via ExoplanetApp).

About Books

"Policy: Towards nuclear zero," Nature Vol. 467, p. 528 (September 30, 2010). —Joseph Cirincione reviews Richard Rhodes's book "The Twilight of the Bombs: Recent Challenges, New Dangers, and the Prospects for a World without Nuclear Weapons" (Random House, 2010), writing, "Fact-packed final volume of a quartet on nuclear security is required reading."

About Peace and Politics

[Retweet of minakopengin's words] 「政党助成金09年報告 総選挙 税金頼み:宣伝費 民主57億、自民61億円」しんぶん赤旗 (2010年9月30日). —政党助成金の実体がこの記事で明らかに。こんな制度は今すぐやめよう。

[Retweet of lhoaglund's words] 先月映画 "ANPO" の森美術館での上映後、石内都さん、中村宏さんと3人でトークしました。映画 "ANPO" についてもっと知りたい人にとって、きっと面白いと思います。このリンクお勧め。

学習会「核兵器、戦争はなくせるか? Yes. We Can!!」成功 :皆さんのご協力により、先のブログ記事でお知らせしました表記の学習会には59名の参加があり、成功裏に終了しました。ありがとうございました。署名とカンパにも多数ご協力いただき、厚くお礼申し上げます。… 福泉・鳳 憲法9条の会ブログ (2010年9月30日). —写真入り報告。

[From itadori3 about the above tweet] 早速すばらしい記事の掲載をありがとうございました。聞きましたら、この学習会に感動されて1万円カンパをしていただいた人や、感動の気持ちを俳句にしたためて送って下さった人もおられたとか。ご苦労様でした。…

About Physics

"Physicists convert information into energy," Technology Review arXiv blog (september 30, 2010).—"Build a tiny staircase and place a small polystyrene bead on the bottom step (a staircase is fairly straightforward to construct using electric fields). [. . .] Keep a close eye on the bead using a video camera and every time you see it go up a step, change the electric field so that it cannot drop back down again. This is like placing a barrier behind the bead. As you repeat this process, the bead will move up the staircase, driven by Brownian motion."

The changing of electric field mentioned above supply energy to the system from the outside, so that I wondered if this could be an "information heat engine." However, the authors, S. Toyabe et al., of the related paper (arXiv:1009.5287v2) write, "Under real-time feedback control, the particle climbs up a spiral-stairs-like potential exerted by an electric field and obtains free energy larger than the amount of work performed on it."


「経験」とは、自身の内的な成熟のために「心の平衡を失うこと」を厭わずに「身を開いて」生きることなのである。そしてまた読書という営みも、「開かれた」姿勢でなされなければ、「経験」にはなり得ないものなのだ。——泉谷閑示「読書する怠け者、読書しない怠け者」図書 No. 740, p. 11 (2010年10月号); "Experience" comes from living for one's own inner maturity by "opening oneself" without hesitating "to lose mental balance." The deed of reading also requires an "open" attitude to become "experience." - Kanji Izumiya, "The lazy person who reads and the lazy person who does not," Tosho No. 740, p. 11 (2010). (translated from Japanese by T. T.)

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