

ハナトラノオ (Obedient Plant)


Obedient plant or false dragonhead; botanical name, Physostegia virginiana; family, Lamiaceae. The photo was taken at our yard on September 17, 2010.

From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

About Arts

"Vote for your favourite accelerator photos," physicsworld, Blog (September 28, 2010). —Participating laboratories are CERN, DESY, Fermilab, KEK & TRIUMF. (Retweeted by ColinPeters)

About Astrophysics

"A dance of extrasolar planets," Science Vol. 330. No. 6000, p. 47 (2010). —Two Saturn-size planets show time variations in transiting their star. (Retweeted by gtsouza)

"Lost rover found on moon with retroreflector still intact," Technology Review arXiv blog (October 1, 2010). —"The Russian Lunokhod-1 rover, lost for over 30 years, is surprisingly well-preserved, say astronomers who have worked out its position to within a few centimeters."

About Physicists

"Georges Charpak: 1924–2010," physicsworld (September 30, 2010). —Particle physicist who had won 1992 Nobel prize "for his invention and development of particle detectors, in particular the multiwire proportional chamber" died on September 29 at the age of 86.

About Science

"Annual Ig Nobel awards presented for the most 'improbable' research," Telegraph (October 1, 2010). —"Roller-coaster rides can relieve symptoms of asthma, beards are a health hazard and randomly promoting workers creates more efficient companies are among a host of 'improbable' scientific findings to win a spoof Nobel Prize this year."

Exchange of Words with Friends

[To ColinPeters] Oh, it's your wedding anniversary today. Congratulations!

[From ColinPeters] どうも

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