

ヒガンバナ (Red Spider Lily)


Red spider lily; botanical name, Lycoris radiata; family, Amaryllidaceae. The photo was taken during walking at the ridge of a rice field on September 29, 2010.

From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

About Arts

[Retweet of Nobelprize_org's words] 2010 Nobel Prize in Literature awarded to Mario Vargas Llosa, a truly international citizen, committed to social change.

About Books

"Cosmology: No miracle in the multiverse," Nature Vol. 467, p. 657 (October 7, 2010). —Michael Turner reviews The Grand Design: New Answers to the Ultimate Questions of Life written by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow (Bantam Press: 2010).

About Physicists

[To Rieko Kawabata] Thanks for your kind advice. I have submitted a set of my questions to Professor Geim on Nobelprize.org by my YouTube user name tttabataj.

[From Rieko Kawabata] "Why did you use the hamster?" Fantastic. :-) Thanks for your questions.

"Ig Nobel to Nobel: Creative (and fun) science wins" NPR (October 5, 2010). —In 2000, Andre Geim won the honor for the magnetic levitation of frogs.

About Physics

"How molecular frisbees could encourage nuclear proliferation," Technology Review, Physics arXiv blog (October 7, 2010).

About Scientists

At the barber's, I happened to hear the radio say, "The father of the Nobel Laureate Akira Suzuki was a barber and died in Akira's childhood."


[To drskyskull] See also: J. H. Hetherington et al., "Cat tales reveal footnotes to history that give one pause," Phys. Today 50, April 94 (1997). (drskyskull thanked me and retweeted this message.)

[From S.C. Kavassalis in reply to my tweet and the retweet of it by drskyskull] Or "paws," as it were. :p [Note by T.T.: This is an excellent joke about the title of letters to the editor from J. H. Hetherington et al. cited above.]

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