

京大11月祭 (The November Festival of Kyoto University)


11月祭実行委員会発行の "N-Free" 誌 Vol. 4(無料配布)全24ページには、「特集:益川敏英インタビュー」が5ページにわたって掲載されている。ノーベル賞物理学者の益川氏から学生たちへの一言、「同世代の若者と、ありとあらゆることを夜を徹してでもいいから、議論すること。そうすると先生や先輩から教えられるよりも、もっと多くのものが返ってくる。」(写真は吉田グラウンド北西角に立つ11月祭の看板。)

Yesterday, I went to see the November Festival of Kyoto University with my wife. We met our first daughter's family at the festival site. One of our grandson, who had entered the university this year, was selling cups of pork soup at one of the booths on Yoshida Ground with fellow members of the softball club, so that we each had a cup. There were many booths selling food etc., and the music was loudly played from the speakers. Such liveliness was quite different from the festival in my student days.

Copies of Vol. 4 of the magazine N-Free, published by the Execution Committee of the November Festival, were distributed free of charge. It consists of a total of 24 pages and carries a feature article of 5 pages, "Interview with Toshihide Maskawa." The Nobel-winning physicist Maskawa gives the following words to students: "I recommend discussing everything with the young people of the same generation as you, even all through a night. Then, you get much more things than are taught by your teachers or seniors." (The photo shows the sign of the November Festival at the north-east corner of Yoshida Ground, Kyoto University.)

From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

About Astronomer

"Allan R. Sandage’s true love was the stars," by Dennis Overbye, New York Times (November 22, 2010).

About Medical Technology

"Radiation worries for children in dentists’ chairs." Not only do most dentists continue to use outmoded X-ray film requiring higher amounts of radiation, but orthodontists and other specialists are embracing a new scanning device that emits significantly more radiation than conventional methods, an examination by The New York Times has found. New York Times (November 22, 2010).

About Nuclear Technology

"How to spot secret nuclear reactors from afar," French scientists unveil a plan to site antineutrino detectors off the coast of rogue nations suspected of operating clandestine nuclear reactors. Technology Review Physics arXiv blog (November 23, 2010).

About Particle Physics

"Meet a superpartner at the LHC," Physics Vol. 3, p. 98 (2010). —About the paper "How to Look for Supersymmetry under the LHC Lamppost." (Free download) P. Konar et al, Physical Review Letters Vol. 105, p. 221801 (2010).

About Physics

"Using information to extract energy," by Sean Carroll, Discover, Cosmic Variance (November 22, 2010). —'There was some excitement last week about a Maxwell’s-Demon-type experiment conducted by Shoichi Toyabe and collaborators in Japan. [. . .] some commentators spun it as "converting information into energy." That’s not quite right.' [Retweeted by Glaucio Souza]

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