

秋色 14 (Autumn Colors 14)


Leaves of the neighbor's Rhus succedanea in autumn color. The photo was taken on November 19, 2010.

From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

About Astrophysics

"Dark energy detector built before your eyes." It took months to build a camera capable of detecting dark energy at Fermilab in Illinois. But now you can watch the construction and testing in minutes, thanks to a new timelapse video. New Scientist (November 22, 2010).

About Biology

"Why life is physics, not chemistry." The idea that life boils down to chemistry is being usurped by a much more ambitious idea, says two of the world's leading biophysicists. Technology Review, Physics arXiv blog (November 22, 2010). [Modified tweet made by Colin Peters; retweeted by Fermin Aceves]

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