

秋色 15 (Autumn Colors 15)


The row of ginkgo trees along Higashiōji-dōri, Kyoto. The photo was taken on November 23, 2010.

From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

About Anthropology

"Dark energy on firmer footing," Nature Online news (November 24, 2010). Reference: "A geometric measure of dark energy with pairs of galaxies." C. Marinoni & A. Buzzi, Nature Vol. 468, p. 539 (Letter) (November 25, 2010).

About Condensed Matter Physics

"Bosons bossed into Bose–Einstein condensate." Physicists create the first ever BEC from light. physicsworld (November 24, 2010). Reference: Jan Klaers et al., "Bose–Einstein condensation of photons in an optical microcavity." Nature Vol. 468, p. 545 (November 25, 2010).

About Fundamental Physics

"Black hole may offer clues to extra dimensions." Controversial idea relies on string theory and warping of space-time. Science Now (November 24, 2010).

About Mathematics

"Lessons in Sumerian math on display." Sumerian math was a sexagesimal system, meaning it was based on the number 60. New York Times (November 22, 2010). [Retweeted by skullsinthestars and Fermin Aceves]

About Peace and Politics

「沖縄県知事選挙の終盤、普天間基地撤去と辺野古移設を巡る問題が最大争点。沖縄の民意無視で強行された日米合意を許すかは、沖縄だけでなく日米安保体制下にある日本全体の問題。九条が生きる選択の実現を切に願う。」—九条の会メルマガ 107号, 編集後記 (November 25, 2010).

About Psychology

"Attractiveness is all in tilt of the head," Telegraph (November 23, 2010). —With a photo of Laurence Olivier and Marilyn Monroe testing the theory in "The Prince and the Showgirl." Interesting! [Retweeted by leia in la la land]

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