

秋色 16 (Autumn Colors 16)


Autumn colors decorate the school playground. The photo was taken on November 19, 2010, during walking exercise.

From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

About Arts

[Retweet of National Geographic's words] 'New satellite pictures: "Magnificent" views of Earth' (November 19, 2010).

About Astrophysics

Frontier: Dark Energy, or Worse: Was Einstein Wrong? by Sean Carroll, Science 360 Knowledge Network (National Science Foundation, several years ago?) (via @AddThis). —A video. [Retweeted by Glaucio Souza]

A Magnetized jet from a massive protostar, Science Vol. 330, No. 6008, p. 1209 (November 26, 2010). —Evidence of polarized synchrotron emission arising from the jet of a young stellar object has been observed.

"Oxygen detected on Saturn's moon Rhea," Nasa's Cassini probe has scooped oxygen from the thin atmosphere of Rhea – the first time the gas has been detected directly on another world. Guardian (November 25, 2010).

About Books

"OK: How two letters made 'America's greatest word'." Allan Metcalf is so enthralled by those two letters that he's written an entire book about them: OK: The Improbable Story of America's Greatest Word. NPR (November 20, 2010) (via @nprnews).

About Computer Science

"Card trick leads to new bound on data compression." A magician's card trick has prompted a mathematical re-evaluation of the limits on data compression. Technology Review Physics arXiv blog (November 26, 2010).

About Fundamental Physics

[Retweet of Sean Carroll's words] This year we give thanks for . . . effective field theory!: Thanksgiving Discover Blog / Cosmic Variance (November 25, 2010).

About Mathematics

"What a difference a peg makes: 4 peg Tower of Hanoi," Republic of Mathematics Blog (November 19, 2010). —I want to read this when I have enough time. [Modified retweet made by Colin Peters]

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