

秋色 18 (Autumn Colors 18)


Cherry leaves in autumn colors. The photo was taken on November 26, 2010, at Suzunomiya Park, Sakai.

From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

About Books

About 15 years ago I read the novel Fermata written by Nicholson Baker and now unexpectedly find it referred to in Sean Carroll's book, From Eternity to Here: The Quest for the Ultimate Theory of Time.

About Cognition Science

小特集-鏡映反転:「鏡の中では左右が反対に見える」のは何故か? 認知科学 Vol. 15, No. 3 (2008). 小亀、多幡、高野の各説、相互批判、批判への回答、の各論文がここから無料ダウンロードできます。

About Mathematics

About instrumental and relational understanding: [Retweet of Republic of Math's words] "The axis of symmetry of a quadratic function" (after James Tanton) Republic of Mathematics Blog (November 27, 2010).

About Particle Physics

[Retweet of Colliding Particles's words] "Colliding Particles Episode 7" is now online! —A video, 10 min 43 sec.

About Philosophy of Physics

"Boredom: symmetry, god and x-factor," by Lily Asquith, Guardian (November 27, 2010). —About Peter Kosso's paper "The epistemology of spontaneously broken symmetries." Synthese Vol. 122, p. 359 (2000).

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