

秋色 17 (Autumn Colors 17)


The photo was taken on November 19, 2010, at Suzunomiya Estate, Sakai.

From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

About Astrophysics

"Cosmic rebirth," Circular patterns in the universe's pervasive background radiation suggest the Big Bang was only the latest of many. Science News (November 26, 2010). —About Gurzadyan-Penrose paper.

About Books

[Retweet of Andréia Azevedo Soares's words] Last great book Oliver Sacks read: Dirac's biography by Graham Farmelo. "It's 600 pages long, not a word too long." A YouTube video (October 27, 2010).

About Particle Physics

"Firing a quark through the early universe," by Jon Butterworth. Latest results from the Large Hadron Collider use quarks and gluons to "X-ray" the nuclear soup we came from. Guardian (November 26, 2010).

[Retweet of madge's words] "Large Hadron Collider experiments bring new insight into primordial universe." After less than three weeks of heavy-ion running, the three experiments studying lead ion collisions at the LHC have already brought new insight into matter as it would have existed in the very first instants of the Universe’s life. Physorg (November 26, 2010).

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