

サントリー1万人の第9 (Suntory Presents Beethoven's 9th with a Cast of 10000)

 昨日、妻と大阪城ホールへ表記の演奏会(第28回)を聞きに行った。娘の一人が1万人の合唱メンバーに参加したのである。オープニングで「Japanese Soccer Anthem(日本サッカーの歌)」が演奏され、プログラムの第1部には歌手・平原綾香が登場し、「Jupiter」、「威風堂々」、交響曲第9番第3楽章にオリジナル歌詞をつけた「Love Story」、そして「Joyful, Joyful」を歌った。第2部が交響曲第9番である。総監督を務めた指揮者・佐渡裕は今回の公演のテーマとして「野性味」を考えたそうだが、合唱部分では、それが十分に発揮された力強い歌声が広いホール一杯に響いた。最後に聴衆も加わって「蛍の光」の合唱があり、午後3時から始まった演奏会は、午後6時近くに、文字通り全員の歓喜のうちに終了した。会場を出ると、ライトアップされた大阪城が夜空にくっきりとした姿を見せていた(上掲の写真)。

Yesterday, I went to the Osaka Castle Hall with my wife in order to listen to "Symphony No. 9 with a chorus by ten-thousand people (the 28th)." One of our daughters took part in the chorus. At the opening, "Japanese Soccer Anthem" was played. In Part I of the program, Ayaka Hirahara joined to sing "Jupiter," "Pomp and Circumstance," "Love Story" (her original lyrics for the third movement of Symphony No. 9) and "Joyful, Joyful." Part II consisted of Symphony No. 9. Conductor Yutaka Sado, who was the general director of this event, chose "wild style" as the concept of this year's performance, and the voice of the chorus strongly sounded just with the flavor of these words to the every corner of the big hall. At the end, the audience also joined the chorus of "Auld Lang Syne." The concert, which had begun at 3 o'clock, closed a little before 6 o'clock with the joy of all the participants. Going out of the hall, we saw the lighted tower of Osak Castle clearly in the night sky (the picture above).

From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

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