

『英国王のスピーチ』 ("The King's Speech")

ヨーク公爵と公爵夫人を演じるコリン・ファースとヘレナ・ボナム=カーター (Colin Firth and Helena Bonham Carter as the Duke and Duchess of York). By www.lancashire.gov.uk; used under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.


 関連して、私自身、幼児期に左利きを直すように親にいわれ、ごく短期間吃音症だったことや、1995年にシアトルで開かれた第1回電子光子透過理論国際ワークショップの主催者、D・J 博士が一種の吃音症だったことを思い出した。博士は発表の始めに、自分の発声を耳から脳を経由して口へフィードバックする機能がうまく働かないという症状があることをスライドで説明し、それを矯正する装置をつけて話したが、それでもなお困難があるようだった。最近、歩きながら歌を歌っている私は、自分の声が聞こえないほどの騒音のある場所ではうまく歌えないことから、そのようなフィードバック系の重要さを認識した。

Yesterday, I suddenly thought of going to see the British film "The King's Speech" being exhibited at a nearby theater and realized it. The film is based on the historical fact of King George VI of England (Prince Albert, Duke of York); and received Academy Awards (Best Picture, Best Actor for Colin Firth, etc.) and the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor. The film tells the story how Prince Albert overcomes his stammer by the help of an unorthodox Australian speech therapist Lionel Logue and finally delivers a powerful speech as King George VI, and was full of the flavors of friendship and humanity.

I was reminded of the fact that I had a stammer for a short period in my childhood because of being told to correct left-handedness by my parents. The film also reminded me that Dr. D. J., the organizer of the first International Workshop on Electron-Photon Transport Theory held in Seattle in the 1995, had a stutter. At the beginning of his presentation, he explained by the use of a slide that he had a defect in his feedback system from the ears to the mouth via the brain and presented his paper by wearing a device to improve the feedback. Howeveer, he still had trouble sometimes. These days, I sing a song while walking and find difficulty of singing at such places that have high noise to prevent me from listening to my own voice. From this experience, I understand the importance of this feedback system for speaking.

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