

はい、撮りました、チャロ! (Now, I've Done, Charo!)

 昨日午後、鈴の宮公園へサクラの咲き具合を見に行くと、若い女性がイヌをベンチに座らせて写真を撮っていた。その場面を遠くから狙ってシャッターを切ったが、一瞬遅く、女性は立ち上がってしまった。私が写真左手の方へ少し歩いてから、向きを変えて公園裏口へ戻ろうとすると、先ほどの女性に呼び止められた。彼女のカメラで、イヌを抱いてサクラの木の下に立っているところを撮って欲しいという。彼女自身は写らなくてよいという注文だったが、彼女も入れて撮って上げた。イヌの名前は聞かなかったので、ここではチャロとしておいた。上掲の写真は、画像変換ネットサービス Imaging Square の "Color Pencil" メニューを使って修飾したもの。

Yesterday afternoon, I went to Suzunomiya Park to see the extent of the blooming of cherry blossoms and saw a young lady, who was taking pictures of her dog sitting on the bench. Aiming at that scene from a distance, I took a picture. But, alas, I was a little late, and the shot captured her just after she had finished taking photos. I walked a little toward the left of the above photo and turned around to go out from the back entrance of the park. Then the lady came to me and requested me to take a picture of her dog with her camera while she stood under a cherry tree with the dog in her arms. She told me that she could be out of the frame of the shot, but I made a shot including her. I missed to ask her the dog's name and call him Charo here. The above picture is the one taken by my camera and modified by the use of the "Color Pencil" menu at the image conversion site on the Internet, Imaging Square.

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