

和気のフジへのバス旅行 4 (The Bus Trip for Viewing Wisteria Blossoms in Wake 4)

 和気町の藤公園で撮った写真、昨日からの続き。1枚目は、和気町と友好交流している中国上海市嘉定区・迎賓館のフジで、同区副区長・周麗玲女史から贈られたもの。嘉定区には、旧・上海科学技術大学(現・上海大学嘉定キャンパス)があり、私は数回訪れたことがある。上海の中心街から約 20 km 離れた、静かなところである。2枚目は、中国桂林市・七星公園のフジ。3枚目は、静岡県豊田町のフジ。

Photos taken in Fuji Park, Wake-cho, continued from yesterday's post: The top picture is of a wisteria tree from the guesthouse of Jiading District, Shanghai, China. The district is doing friendly exchanges with Wake-cho, and the tree is a gift from Ms. Zhou Liling, Deputy Mayor of Jiading District. In Jiading District, there is the former Shanghai University of Science and Technology (presently the Jiading Campus of Shanghai University), and I have visited there a few times. The district is located about 20 km away from downtown Shanghai and is a quiet place. The middle photo shows a wisteria tree from Seven Star Park, Guilin, China; and the bottom photo, a wisteria tree from Toyota-cho, Shizuoka Prefecture.

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