

和気のフジへのバス旅行 5 (The Bus Trip for Viewing Wisteria Blossoms in Wake 5)

 藤公園に隣接して和気神社がある。主神の鐸石別命(ぬでしわけのみこと)の他、和気清麻呂らを祀る。清麻呂(わけ の きよまろ、733–799)は、奈良時代の高級官僚で、道鏡が皇位を望んだのを阻止したことで知られる。道鏡は清麻呂を憎んで左遷したが、清麻呂が左遷先への道中でイノシシに助けられたという伝説があり、この神社には狛犬の代わりにイノシシの像がある。1枚目の写真は、和気神社の前にある清麻呂の像。2枚目は、神社本殿前のイノシシの像。3枚目は、神社の境内。

Adjacent to Fuji Park, there is Wake Shrine. In addition to the chief god, Nudeshiwake, Wake no Kiyomaro and others are enshrined there. Wake no Kiyomaro (733 -799) was a high-ranking Japanese official during the Nara period. He is known to have prevented Dokyo's ambition to become the emperor. A legend tells the following: Getting angry, Dokyo sent Kiyomaro to a far country. Kiyomaro had a difficulty along the way to the country but was helped by wild boars. Thus, this shrine has a pair of statues of boars instead of guardian dogs. The top photo shows the statue of Wake no Kiyomaro in front of the shrine; the middle, a statue of wild boar in front of the main building of the shrine; the bottom, the shrine grounds.

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